Our Philosophy

A Fully Consistent, Deep and Integrated Approach to Yoga

Intelligent and Integrated

An Intuitive Approach That Supports the Growth of Wisdom

Yoga can be a deep and powerful system for personal growth, but it needs to have a philosophy that supports students on every level of the practice. Our Swara Yoga system is based on tradition, jnana (intelligence) and intuition, so each and every student can understand what practices do and why we would do them.  

We teach the underlying principles of yoga practice, such as the 5 Elements, the Nature of the Mind, Ayurveda, the Flow of Energy in the Body and much more. By understanding the essence, one can have a consistent world-view that serves you in everything you do, not just the yoga! We believe that the yoga philosophy is there to support you in life and help you to live the happiest and most satisfied life possible. 

PRANAM to the Gurus

Firstly, we bow in gratitude to our teachers, Gurus, and to the motherland of Yoga: India. We acknowledge the ancestral roots of this system and the various modern lineages which we have studied. We are dedicated to sharing these teachings with integrity and passion.


The Sanskrit word ‘Swara’ refers to a natural energetic cycle:  The flow of energy through the nadis, notes in a musical scale, the turning of day and night, the movement of the seasons… in short, all things that have a rhythmic energetic flow. Our Yoga is fully based on this energetic flow that is all around us. 

Learning about the flows we live with helps us to live better lives and practice yoga with more intelligence and integrity. 


Pranayama Workshop

The practice of Yoga should build energy, vitality and enthusiasm in the practitioner, naturally detoxifying the body and bringing a feeling of radiance. Yoga may serve to strengthen us, offer us support in tough times and cultivate a greater sense of resilience in our daily life. Yoga may equally serve to make us more flexible – to know how to surrender and embrace change.

We believe that the practices of Yoga serve as tools which teach us how to flow within the waves of life with grace and strength.


We draw wisdom from the lineages of traditional Hatha Yoga, Tantra, the ancient Order of Sadhus, Taoism, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, and modern science. We embrace modern styles like Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga, and believe that a part of the beauty of Yoga is that it has a kaleidoscopic nature which is constantly evolving into new forms. 

Randall (Ram Giri Baba) is initiated into the ancient Sadhu traditions of India (the Giri branch of the Dashnami Sanyasi order) and he teaches some of the secret ways of the old yogis that are missing from modern practice.  


While asana is an excellent practice for the physical body, we go far beyond the concept that Yoga is primarily a physical exercise. We believe that asana practice begins with a conscious connection of the body, breath & mind in the present moment, and should ultimately be a moving meditation. When we are present on the mat, we may also begin to sense the subtle movements of energy, and observe our habitual tendencies and the workings of our minds. Asana practice becomes an opportunity for self-enquiry, a doorway into our inner world and a means to purify our nature.


We strive to practice and teach asana which is sustainable for the body. We teach a step-by-step approach to every asana which gives students a clear understanding of how to move toward advanced postures safely, and how to teach with this intention.

We practice with physical depth and complexity, yet we are not goal-focused and empower each student to practice within their own unique boundaries. We encourage students to respect their limitations and to remain tuned into their needs which may change from moment to moment.


We are dedicated to improving the alignment and movement patterns of all students through regular in-class adjustments. We educate our students about common yoga practices which are shown to cause long term injuries, and help them to understand that asana practice should never bring about a physical or energetic burnout. Sustainable Yoga should serve to prevent injuries, not cause them. 

Unfortunately, many Yoga schools push their students to the point of exhaustion, and it is our goal is to finish each training with everyone feeling stronger, more energetic and more in love with Yoga than ever before.



We feel that a good yoga teacher…

Embodies an unshakable love for Yoga.

Shares experiential wisdom, knowing the practices inside-out.

Has been thoroughly trained and is supported by devoted teachers.

Is compassionate and humble.

Swara Yoga Academy Teachers teach with intention, dedication and intelligence. We share with both depth and light-heartedness, with humour and intensity. We love to see a smile on your face, on and off the mat.


We acknowledge that each student learns so differently, and that different things are important to different people. We trust that every student has something unique to learn in this process, and it is for this reason that we do not feel it appropriate to stress our students with exams. We feel that it is impossible to create one test for so many unique individuals.Instead, we prioritize ongoing observation, connection and feedback with each student independently to ensure that they understand what it being shared, and that their needs are being met.

All People are Welcome

We honour the unique nature of each individual, and celebrate our unity within diversity. We welcome people from all walks of life, regardless of race, nation, sexual orientation, religion or any other category which separates people from each other. We strive to embody the Yamas and Niyamas of Patanjali’s 8 Limbs of Yoga, and expect that our students meet these general guidelines with their best intentions.


We are proud to support Art To Healing, an international not-for-profit who deliver psychological and emotional recovery of children and women who are recovering from sex slavery in Asia through holistic, trauma-informed expressive art therapies, counseling, somatic experiencing, yoga and mindfulness programs.

Living Life To The Fullest

Ulitmately, yoga is here for all of us to learn how to live life the best we can, with openness, compassion and love. The practice helps us to be integrated and whole people, with care of our environment and our fellow creatures who share this earth with us. We hope our teachings can take you to a place of greater peace and love and keep a smile in your heart. 

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