Blood Moon Eclipse 2019

 In Astrology

Happy Purnima All!

This Full Moon Eclipse occurs in the sign of Cancer and the lunar house of Pushya. Though Pushya is viewed as the most favorable of the moon houses, and to have a full moon culminate on a Monday (at least here in Asia) would be considered a very auspicious moon, still the difficult effects of an eclipse over ride that!

As seen on the eclipse map, the height of the eclipse occurs Sunday night for North and South America.  Parts of Europe will receive the full and partial eclipse as well.  On the west coast of the US, the maximum eclipse is at 9:12 PM, and the total eclipse window is 8:41-9:43 PM PST.  Lunar Eclipses are often called Blood Moons, simply because the proximity of the earth makes the moon appear to be red.

People who have planets around 6 degrees of Cancer are going to feel this eclipse the strongest, particularly if the Sun, Moon, Ascendent or the ascendent lord is placed there, for these are all planets and points that most represent the person and the personality.  It affects the planet and the house itself and all that the planet symbolizes for up to 6 months after.  Capricorn will also be affected as it housed the last solar eclipse.

An eclipse happens when the Sun or the Moon come within 15 degrees of the nodal axis, the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu.  Eclipses typically come in pairs, though sometimes we get a series of 3 consecutive eclipses like we did last summer.   A Lunar eclipse is connected with the Full Moon, and is connected with the outer world and the society, as the Moon is the planet representing the people and our sense of connection.   Since this upcoming eclipse is connected to Rahu, it shows shifts occurring on the outer level on a more global scale.

But whether internal or external, eclipses are always a potent time to set intentions of what we want to manifest.  The energy building up to an eclipse is extremely potent, and as I had mentioned last time it is always advisable to not make big changes building up to an eclipse or during the time between eclipses. The energy begins to build 10 days before a solar eclipse and 3 days before a lunar one.  That energy can be uncomfortable though, and often it is the very time people want to make big changes.  It is extremely important to remember the our judgements can be eclipsed during this time, the nodal planets do not allow us to see clearly. It is the shadow energy urgently wanting to put the unmanifest into form.  And often things presented during an eclipse tend to bring problems later.  It is advisable to wait until a few days after the eclipse, notice your thoughts and feelings, and then take action.  Fortunately, things started in the days after an eclipse tend to prosper.

It is said in Indian traditions that anything you do during an eclipse is magnified manyfold, 1,000 or more times.  Ideally it is best to practice meditation or mantra during this time, particularly around the height of the eclipse. What you do during the eclipse impacts how strongly you are affected by it, and how far reaching the effects will be. While it is best to do spiritual practice during the height of the eclipse, at least try not to dwell on negative thoughts or emotions during this time.  Try to keep your mind uplifted with positive thoughts and intentions, or whatever gives you peace or happiness.

In the Indian tradition eclipses are seen as unlucky events.  They are not good for new beginnings or material events.  They are positive for going inward, letting go, clearing out the past.  The American custom of looking at an eclipse is seen as very unlucky in India, and said to increase the effects of Rahu, so I will always advise people not to look at that Big Red Moon tomorrow night, no matter how tempting it may be!


Please be in contact if I can help you in any way.

And as always pass this along!

Love and Blessings,


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