Can Yoga Help Me Lose Weight?

 In Meditation

Can Yoga Help Me Lose Weight?

Whether yoga can help with weight loss is a commonly asked question. It’s a great thing that people consider yoga as a possible tool for shedding some of those unneeded pounds. In the most basic perspective, the simple answer to the question is undoubtedly ‘Yes, yoga can help with weight loss.’ However, the more definitive answer is not quite as straightforward as many would like. Here’s the more detailed answer:

Yoga is an incredibly dynamic, diverse and varied practice. It can have countless different effects depending on how you engage with it and which style you choose. Let’s first be clear about a few things. If yoga is going to be effective for any goals, whether it’s weight loss or inner peace, etc, it requires 2 fundamental things: Commitment and Discipline. If yoga is going to work for you, you must commit your time and energy into it. It’s not a free weight loss pill. You have to do the work. If it is going to be effective for you, you must commit to going to class regularly and practicing on your own if possible.

You also need to be disciplined to get results. You need to practice and keep practicing regularly, for a long time. Sporadic bursts of practice do not work. And you need to do it even if you don’t particularly feel like it. This is usually the time when you really should go to class, when you feel lazy or just not in the mood. You must be disciplined and keep going. This is not easy! But it is essential. Fortunately, our power of discipline builds up over time, so chin up!

So if you have decided to be committed and disciplined, you have made the first steps to letting yoga help you. Now you must choose a yoga style that suits your needs and stick to it. Let’s have a look at a few yoga styles that could help you with your goals. (Remember that if you are carrying excess weight, you need to be aware of the extra stress on your joints during yoga practice. Seek help if something does not feel right.)

Hot Yoga: Hot yoga is quite intense. The room is very hot and steamy and there is a lot of movement and hard work. This can be quite useful in shedding some water weight and eventually burning fat. Just make sure not to over-work and ask for help if you can’t do some of the moves.

Power Yoga: Another very intense style that focuses on more advanced postures and generally has quite a fast pace about the movement. If you’re not familiar with yoga basics, these classes might be too difficult. If the teacher is good, you should be fine and they’ll take care of you. The difficulty can be a risk for stiff or inexperienced people, but the strong workout can be quite beneficial.

Ashtanga Yoga: A classic style based on a continuous flow of set moves. It takes a while to learn the sequence but it’s powerful and makes you work hard. Just be careful because some of the poses are quite difficult and can pose a risk to your body.

Vinyasa Flow: This is probably the best overall choice. It tends to be less extreme and more varied and also safer. There’s plenty of movement but it is also more balanced than some of the styles listed above.

Hatha: A good style to learn the essentials but does not tend to have the movement that is needed to decrease weight.

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