New Moon In Scorpio

 In Astrology

Greetings All!

This New moon culminates on December 7th at 12:50 IST, or December 6th 11:20 pm PST.  This one occurs in the sign of Scorpio and the Nakshatra (lunar house) of Jyestha, conjunct Jupiter and Mercury.  With the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury all in Scorpio this sign continues to get a strong boost.  Though the moon is debilitated in Scorpio -adding to our mental insecurities, fears and doubts- the close conjunction of Jupiter will give a stabilizing energy and wisdom to the restless insecurity of a debilitated new moon.  Nevertheless, it would be expected to feel a bit mentally low or insecure over these next couple days.

Since New Moons are good for introspection, it is a great window to slow down and take care of yourself, and go a bit inward. As this is also the last new moon of the year, it can be helpful to think of intentions for 2019.  I dislike saying ‘resolutions’ since most new years resolutions are broken in January, but goal and intention setting would be great right now.  One of the main themes of Scorpio is transformation and change, and the metamorphosis and rebirth that comes along with this.  In addition, the nakshatra of Jyestha is one that is associated with success, power, courage and fame, all qualities of the God Indra who rules this nakshatra.  So there is a lot of supportive astrological energy for intention setting and succeeding at our goals at the moment.

Mercury also goes direct in the middle of this new moon.  This is the first time in a couple months where all the planets are direct!  On October 5th Venus went retrograde, and on November 16th when Venus went direct then Mercury went retrograde.  The retrogression of the planets indicate a looking backwards or revisiting old themes in line with the indications of the planets.  For example, Venus often makes us look back on old love affairs, while Mercury retrograde prevents us from moving forward clearly with contract and agreements, and is a better time to review or edit old information.  With these two fast moving planets finally going direct we are able to look forward and make plans without past situations holding us back.

Also, though slow moving Saturn is still in Sagittarius, on November 27th  he moved into the lunar house of Purva Ashadha where he will be for the next year.  Purva Ashadha is another nakshatra associated with success and victory, and with Saturn posited there, it indicates slow and steady patience and perseverance to achieve one’s goals rather than the luck and natural protection that is associated with Jyestha.  Purva Ashadha is also connected to good judgement and discerning power to make choices that promote our successes in life. Saturn in Purva Ashadha indicates a time to take personal responsibility for ourselves, and to put in the required efforts to actualize achievements based on our personal definitions of success.

Love and Blessings,

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