The Astrological Forecast

 In Astrology
Happy New Moon All!This one snuck up on me!  This New Moon culminates on May 5th at 4:15 am IST (May 4th 3:45 pm PST), which means it has already started as I write this.The New Moon occurs in the sign of Aries in the Nakshatra of Bharani.As a sign, Aries calls us to action. 
In fact, with Mars about to change signs on May 7th and join Rahu in a conjunction in Gemini, the desire to act may feel urgent, driven, scattered, and overwhelming.  But I will encourage you to take deep breaths and slow down!  When we get the planet of ambitious energy (Mars) conjunct the planet of impulsivity (Rahu) we can often make decisions that are fueled by over independence and a desire to strongly assert ourselves.  This can at times be a positive thing, but often when Rahu is involved it shows impulsiveness rather than logic leading the way, and means we have to check and double check everything before proceeding. 
Mars and Mercury exchange signs, meaning Mars is in Mercury’s sign of Gemini and Mercury is in Mars’ Aries, which adds a sharpness and impulsivity to not only our actions but our speech as well!The remedy to this seems to lie in the Lunar House where this month’s new moon occurs.  The Nakshatra (lunar house) of Bharani in the middle of Aries roughly translates to ‘she who bears’.  Bharani is ruled over by Yama, who is also called Dharmaraj, or the king of righteousness.  He is the one said to judge which realm the souls go to at death, thus he is connected with upholding moral law.   He also represents our self control that calls us to right action and to limit our reactivity, and is connected with the death and rebirth process.There is a lot of intensity in the sky starting this week and carrying on over the next few months.  This includes a tight and difficult conjunction of Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius until October, Rahu and Mars directly opposite this for the next couple months, a set of eclipses in July, and both Saturn and Jupiter retrograde.

The lessons from this New Moon are ones to carry through these next months of astrological turbulence.  First of all, we must accept the lesson of tolerance that is being called forth right now.  Bharani or ‘she who bears’ gives us a sense of the patient perseverance we will need before being able to birth our plans into action.  A bit of acceptance that things may not go as smoothly as we would like over these next few months will go a long way.Also, the idea of right action becomes doubly strong right now.  The conjunction of Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius will create a real dichotomy between our sense of responsibility, and our desire for freedom, particularly spiritual freedom.  Along with this, the importance of self- restraint coming from this new Moon in Bharani shows that the real work of these next few months is to be restrained in our thoughts and actions.  Regularity in our habits and spiritual practice in particular will be some of the best supports when the mind gets turbulent. It is a very important time to focus on cultivating our best habits so that we can sail through difficult seasons with more ease and grace.In general I make it a point to not practice ‘fear factor’ astrology, and hope that this serves the purpose of reminding you to be diligent rather than fearful.  Though we can and I believe should use the planetary energies to guide our lives, we still have to live and act in the world.  And for most of us that does not look like going into solitary meditation for the next few months (though if you can- what a time for it!). We have to live our lives, do our best with that which is in our control, and pray for divine guidance for the rest.

On a positive note, Tuesday May 7th is called Askhaya Tritiya, the ‘indestructible’ ‘ever-expanding’ 3rd day of the waxing moon cycle.  This day astrologically occurs when the Sun and the Moon both are in their places of exaltation.  It is said that anything that is started on this day is successful and grows.  This day indicates lasting success, so on Tuesday spend some time working on something you would like to see grow in your world! I may send you a reminder of some of my newly planted seeds!As always, be in touch if I can help in any way,
Love and Blessings,

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